The End of the New World Order

Sollte das die Richtung sein, dann hätte die Globalisierung „Früchte“ getragen, die es jetzt in China zu „ernten“ gilt.Beijing is already seeing the fruits of its reforms but Washington is still relying on its old growth models.

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US-ChinaThe Unbalanced Economic Relationship of the United States and China

Yales University Press

Jan 21, 2014  

What makes the economic relationship between the United States and China so fraught with anxiety, tension, and a surprising dependency on the successes and failures of the other? Stephen Roach, senior fellow at Yale’s Jackson Institute for Global Affairs and School of Management and former Chairman of Morgan Stanley Asia and Chief Economist of Morgan Stanley has written Unbalanced: The Codependency of America and China. Read below for an interview with Roach on the present challenges in U.S.-Chinese economic development, the next steps following the Third Plenum of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party, and a controversial take on what the United States needs to address in order to continue its prosperity.Yale University Press: Who has the upper hand in the codependency of America and China?Stephen Roach:As is the case in human relationships, codependency…

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Is it this what may happen in future?

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Global systemic crisis II

Excerpt GEAB N°76

15 June 2013 

                      THE IMPACTS OF THE SECOND SHOCK 

5025518-7503517“… According to LEAP/E2020 the stages of this second crisis can be summarised as follows: 

  • collapse of financial markets especially in the US and Japan. Banks can no longer be saved by States and bail-ins are put in place;  
  • …spreading to the real economy: the financial impasse causes/reveals a major world recession and the reduction of international trade;
  • …the economic deterioration causes unemployment to explode, in the United States the
  • dollar’s decline lowers the standard of living
  • the governments of the most affected countries are under fire for their handling of the crisis, forced resignations and early elections are expected, if not coups;
  • international management of the crisis: together Euroland and the BRICSimpose a new international monetary system and lay down the bases of a…

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If the dominance of finance over real economic activities persists… expand the domestic demand simultaneously

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12 Sep 2013,

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 Five years after the onset of the global financial crisis the world economy remains in a state of disarray.

  • Strong expansionary monetary policies in the major developed economies have not succeeded in fostering credit creation and strengthening aggregate demand.
  • Fiscal austerity and wage compression in many developed countries are further darkening the outlook, not only for the short term, but also for the medium term. The burden of adjustment of the global imbalances that contributed to the outbreak of the financial crisis remains with the deficit countries, thus
  • strengthening deflationary forces in the world economy.

The dominance of finance over real economic activities persists,and may even have increased further. Yet financial reforms at the national level have been timid at best, advancing very slowly, if at all. In

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