Russia plans to reopen the Cold War Soviet-age SIGINT facility in Cuba,

Nie wieder Krieg! Putin verstehen. Lügen erkennen.

Putin denies reopening of US-targeting listening post in Cuba


July 17, 2014    

everything-we-know-about-the-huge-spy-base-in-cuba-that-russia-is-reopeningRussian President Vladimir Putin denied media reports that Russia was planning to reopen the Soviet-age SIGINT facility in Lourdes, Cuba, once was largest foreign listening post of its kind… When operational, the facility was manned by thousands of military and intelligence personnel, whose task was to intercept signals coming from and to the US territory and to provide communication for Russian vessels in the western hemisphere…

The facility in Lourdes, a suburb of Havana located just 250km from continental USA, was opened in 1967. At the peak of the cold war it was the largest signal intelligence center Moscow operated in a foreign nation, with 3,000 personnel manning it. From the base Russia could intercept communications in most part of the US including the classified exchanges between space facilities in Florida and American spacecraft

Following the…

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